Forever Remote Work” is a concept created by recruitment industry thought-leaders Dr. John Sullivan and Michael Cox.
The hiring process needs to adapt accordingly to the current transition experienced by the world of work. Whilst companies are organising what will be “The Next Normal” it is clear that remote working will be a contributing factor throughout that process and perhaps thereafter.
Most existing hiring processes cease to account for successful remote team players, and with striking differences in the experiences between office work and remote working, prioritising certain critical candidate characteristics will aid productivity and a successful transition to a new team.
The report authors’ research reveals that candidates with two or more of the following capabilities have at least a 20% higher probability of excelling when remote working.
The factors are listed in order of highest impact of remote work success:
1. Identify those that are purpose-driven
Contact candidates that specifically targeted your firm due to your mission and product offerings. During the interview, ask candidates to offer evidence of their drive to generate a difference and create an impact as these employees will have an acute focus on result production.
2. Prioritise the self-motivated
Self-motivated candidates automatically seek additional work when they have idle time. Due to the little forced structure for remote workers this reduces the amount of time that a manager is required to devote time to exciting and directing them. When interviewing, ask them to rank and list their primary motivates and focus on those who focus on finishing their work and making a difference.
3. Look for a track record of remote work and innovation
Candidates who strive for innovation are adept at problem-solving and source means to overcome obstacles and consistently meet their KPIs. Prioritise those that demonstrate they can maintain the implementation of innovative ideas whilst working remotely
4. Look for a large established professional network
Google research shows that those with large professional networks are more productive and more likely to be promoted. A large network aids rapid learning, encourages a sense of competition, and fosters a drive for innovation. This network can be assessed through LinkedIn by viewing the number of followers, connections, alongside endorsements, and recommendations.
5. Prioritise disciplined mature adults
As there is a high-level of unstructured work involved with remote working, the authors of the report details that it is important “new hires continually act like mature adults”. This requires providing evidence of self-discipline, alongside the ability to follow rules, policies, and processes.
6. Assess their physical workspace
An ideal workspace does not necessarily guarantee success, however, does minimise distractions and ensure that an employee is comfortable for extended periods of time to ensure that work is delivered across all basis.
If you would like to contact one of our portfolio partners for advice on hiring throughout this time then you can contact the relevant industry recruiters here.