The Ignata Finance Exit Story

About Ignata Finance

Ignata Finance was launched in 2017 by Ben Searls, Vikki Searls, and Steve Revill with a vision to redefine the finance recruitment landscape. With strategic support, they quickly established a formidable presence in the finance sector, focusing on private equity and  VC-backed businesses, as well as high-growth start-ups and owner-managed companies.

Ignata Finance grew from a boutique finance recruitment company, with consistent growth, working across exec search and interim.

Specialising in high-level financial placements, Ignata Finance scaled rapidly, broadening its services across multiple financial industries and becoming a top name in finance recruitment. Their strategic exit was the culmination of meticulously planned growth strategies and market penetration, setting a high benchmark in the industry.

A successful Strategy for Every Stage of the Recruitment Journey

Recruitment Entrepreneur played a crucial role in supporting Ignata Finance, providing a comprehensive suite of services that aligned to each stage of the business's development.

Beyond the initial financial backing, Recruitment Entrepreneur provided management insights, strategic planning, operational infrastructure and support, marketing assistance, HR, and legal advice. As Ignata Finance prepared to scale, they had ongoing detailed guidance on how to manage growth and build value within the business.

This hands-on approach ensured Ignata Finance had access to all the right tools and guidance to not only thrive and expand but also to be supported with guidance that laid the foundations for a structured approach to a profitable and strategic exit.

Acquired by global talent advisory firm - ZRG Partners

The sale of Ignata Finance to global executive search firm, ZRG Partners, was completed in January 2024. 

At this time, the ZRG Partners business was delivering £160 million annual net fee income and £32 million in profits. They were looking to gain access to an established executive search and interim brand in the UK. 

Recruitment Entrepreneur provided expert guidance on strategic positioning and financial preparation to ensure Ignata Finance was an attractive acquisition. By managing the intricacies of the negotiation process, and leveraging the Recruitment Entrepreneur's team's industry experience and network, they were able to successfully facilitate discussions and secure favourable terms.

This support not only streamlined the transaction but also maximised the sale value for Ignata Finance, resulting in a positive transition into the ZRG portfolio.

Founder Exit Interviews

Founder Testimonials

I have seen value in the partnership with Recruitment Entrepreneur and Hamilton Bradshaw since day one.

"I’m good at recruiting, but not at selling a business. Recruitment Entrepreneur and Hamilton Bradshaw took that on and helped manage the sale, which was incredible. Without the partnership, we wouldn’t have had a deal. Not only was the deal really good, but it was incredibly structured.”

Ben Searls, Founder - Ignata Finance

Founder Testimonials

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